The Modern Contract Handbook – A Downloadable Guide

The Modern Contract Handbook: Experts Break Down Every Stage of the Contract Lifecycle

By Richard Mabey, CEO, Juro

Any reader of Artificial Lawyer would recognize that contracts are one of the biggest puzzles a business needs to solve.

Every stage of the contract lifecycle – from creation, through collaboration, negotiation, agreement, tracking and renewal – can create friction. It’s well known now that according to the IACCM, 83% of people are dissatisfied with the contract process.

Solving this is why Juro exists, but in working to fix it, we’ve been fortunate enough to learn an enormous amount about how to actually make contracts work for everyone. That’s why we decided to wrap it all together and share it with the community – download your copy of the Modern Contract Handbook here.

Download the Modern Contract Handbook

Inside, we journey from creation to signature and beyond – you’ll find:

  • Contract language’s first and best defender, Ken Adams, on why technology can’t solve bad drafting. Ken doesn’t just want to stop the copy/paste wheel – he wants to break the wheel …
  • Legal design experts like Margaret Hagan, Helena Haapio and Marie Potel-Savile on how to draft contracts that actual real people can read
  • Telstra’s Verity White on how to design contracts to increase the likelihood of signing
  • Juro CPO Pavel Kovalevich on how to capture and actually use contract collaboration data
  • eSigning: the global state of play
  • Case study: Mobile-first contracting with City Relay
  • Metric master Lucy Endel Bassli on how data can drive your contracts to greater efficiency – and ROI
  • The future post-signature: founder Peter Hunn on connected contracts

… and much more.

Dive in to find practical, actionable insights on the concrete steps you can take tomorrow to make contract management more efficient in your business today – whether that just means getting started in Excel, or exploring the market to find a workflow that’s right for you. 

We hope our insights, and those of our contributors, into each stage of the contract lifecycle (and beyond) can go some way towards helping to make contracts the start of something great – instead of the end of something painful.

Come find us at Legal Innovatorsthis Friday, if you’d like to find out more.

Download the Modern Contract Handbook

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