This week’s Product Walk Through is with Callidus, a new legal genAI platform that addresses both litigation and transactional needs. It’s one of the most comprehensive legal tech startups this site has seen in a while and handles multiple legal tasks from the get-go.
Taking us through what the multi-capability product can do is co-founder Anoop Singh. Please press play to watch / listen inside the page. We start with the demo and then do some Q&A.
As Anoop explains, the video includes:
- ‘The Research Module. You start with a fact pattern and go through a guided flow to arrive at a robust analysis with usable outputs – lengthy, well-cited, well-organized briefs and memos. This would normally take hours if not days of work and Callidus condenses it to minutes.
- The Contract Comparison & Analysis module. This is unique in that it requires zero onboarding or setup to achieve a redlined document based on your reference templates.
- A general AI assistant that you can leverage for a host of activities, including general questions, contract drafting, document summary / analysis, and much more.’
P.S. Anoop also recently wrote a great piece for AL about the Jevons Paradox, i.e. that AI will expand demand for lawyers as efficiency increases, not reduce it. See the article here.
Callidus was also one of several legal tech startups that took part in the Legal Innovators California conference in San Francisco in June this year as part of the dedicated Startup Gallery. Great to see how they are progressing.