Legal AI company, Luminance, has launched its own eDiscovery and investigations system – based on its previously developed AI engine – and set sights on what is a massive potential market for NLP/ML review tech.
The UK-based company, which has expanded rapidly in the US recently, said: ‘The platform’s Deep Coding abilities mean that Luminance Discovery actively learns from the decisions made by the litigator throughout the review process. In this way, the platform is constantly improving its understanding of the documents it encounters, resulting in significant time savings whilst never forcing the lawyer to relinquish any decision-making control to the machine. The Discovery product is gaining steady traction and is already used in litigation in Europe and the US.’
Kimberley Davies, Head of Discovery at Luminance, added: ‘In applying the latest developments in machine learning to Luminance Discovery, we are able to offer lawyers a really efficient approach to investigations, allowing them to manage and sort huge volumes of data quicker than ever before.’
Emily Foges, CEO of Luminance, concluded: ‘Our Discovery tool is intuitive, offering a clean and interactive user interface which makes data room visualisation simpler than ever. By deploying an uncomplicated technological solution to investigations, litigators are going to see a real difference to how much more effectively they can work from the outset.’
This move makes total sense, given the huge size of the US eDiscovery/investigations market. Artificial Lawyer had been aware that this had been aired previously as a use case by the company, but this seems to be a formal proclamation of the offering to the market now and a declaration of intent. It will be very interesting to see how this goes.
P.S. The company is now two years old…..they have been busy.