This section of the AL TV Library presents Product Walk Throughs. They are listed in date order, most recent first. Key themes related to the product are shown, as well as the length of the video. All walk throughs are short overviews unless otherwise specified, e.g. an In-Depth and Detailed Product Walk Through.
Please click the link in the image or the text below to go to the walk through.
Note: Product Walk Throughs and Interviews in 2021 will be listed under new categories in the dropdown menu.
Nov 2020

Meet Syntheia the new knowledge platform for lawyers that provides a range of capabilities, from NLP-driven knowledge management (KM), to contract review and drafting assistance. Founder of the US- and Australia-based company, Horace Wu, told Artificial Lawyer: ‘Our software captures knowledge from the minds of legal experts and extracts data from the firm’s documents, and applies these reusable chunks of information in downstream applications.’ (Key themes: KM, platforms, NLP. Length: 12 mins approx.)

In this AL TV Product Walk Through with the company’s APAC Managing Director, Julian Uebergang, we explore what the Neota Logic platform can do now and how it helps clients with ‘scaling expertise through digital solutions’. (Key themes: no-code, expert systems, process automation, doc automation. Length: 17 minutes.)

Meet Apiax, a regulatory information platform that has been in Allen & Overy’s FUSE innovation group and is seeking to provide a ‘one-to-many’ approach to compliance. It is designed to give very clear yes/no answers to complex legal queries. It operates with a rules-based system and does not use an NLP approach. (Key Themes: regulation, compliance, expert systems, Allen & Overy, rules-based systems. Length:
Oct 2020

Upsolve a non-profit legal tech company that helps people file for bankruptcy in the US without the need for a lawyer. Product walk through with CEO, Rohan Pavuluri. (Key Themes: A2J, form filling, bankruptcy, guided work flows. Length: 12 mins.)

Meet Axdraft, the doc automation and CLM platform. (Key themes: CLM, doc automation, legal engineers. Length 9 mins.)

Engine B walk through with founder and former KPMG AI strategy head, Shamus Rae. (Key themes: base data layer, legal data, knowledge graphs, NLP, Microsoft, contract analysis, unstructured data. Length: 17 mins.)

Contract One walk through – (Key themes: contracting, legal design, contract negotiation, UI + UX. Length 11 mins.)
Sept 2020

Lexical Labs walk through – (Key themes: contract review, contract negotiation, NLP, ML. Length: 9 mins). Note: this is also contained in the Interview section as part of a longer video.

In-Depth and Detailed Product Walk Through – Meet Juridoc the New ‘All-in-One’ CLM Platform – (Key themes: CLM, document automation, contract negotiation, workflows, multi-lingual. Length: 21 mins.)

Meet LegalEdison, the New Legal Research Startup – (Key themes: legal research, case summary, case law, student-led innovation, startup. Length: 13 mins.)

Athennian Walk Through – (Key themes: entity management, company secretarial work, platform, cloud. Length: 6 mins. Note: walk through begins around the 13 minute mark.)

Josef Launches ‘Flowchart’ No-Code Automation Feature – (Key themes: no-code, legal automation, UI + UX, graphical interface, intuitive. Length: 8 mins.)
Aug 2020

ROSS Chrome Extension For Legal Research – (Key themes: legal research, case law, Chrome extension, free software, NLP. Length: 9 mins.)

Emotion Analysis System Can Judge Witness Credibility – (Key themes: emotion analysis, facial analysis, AI, machine learning, expert witnesses. Length: 16 mins.)

AL TV Product Walk-Through: Define – (Key themes: drafting tools, automation, NLP. Length: 21 minutes.)

Casetext’s Parallel Search function – (Key themes: legal research, case law, NLP and machine learning. Length: 10 mins. Note: walk through is part of longer article about GPT-3 and related approaches.)