Here is the AL TV Library section for ‘On the Spot’ interviews, news analysis interviews, and Beginner’s Guides. They are listed in date order, most recent first, with the key themes and length.
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Nov 2020

Digital transformation, especially in relation to inhouse legal teams, is something we hear about a lot. But what does it mean in real terms? What does a digitally transformed legal department look like and what does it do differently compared to before? To find out some answers to these questions, AL TV interviewed ContractPodAi‘s CEO and Co-Founder, Sarvarth Misra, whose company is focused on working with corporate legal teams. (Key themes: digital transformation, legal ops, contract management, legal data, legal AI tools. Length 17 mins.)

You have all heard of Kira Systems, and you may have had the pleasure of hearing its co-founder and CEO, Noah Waisberg, speak on a range of subjects related to legal AI, but what do we really know about his 10-year journey with the pioneering company he helped to create and that has shaped this part of the legal tech world? In this AL TV interview we cover:
- How it all started, back when Waisberg was an associate in New York.
- The big decision to quit and make corporate law better.
- How he met his co-founder, Alex Hudek.
- The beginnings of the company.
- Operating for several years without making any money.
- Changing the name to Kira Systems and growing the business.
- The challenges of becoming a leader of a tech company: what skills he had already, and what things he had to learn along the way.
- The proudest moments so far.
- What next for this legal tech leader.
(Length: 23 mins.)
Oct 2020

In December last year Big Four firm Deloitte launched Deloitte Legal Ventures, a tech engagement project involving more than a dozen legal tech companies and other groups. But what is the story so far? Laura Bygrave, Deloitte Legal’s Innovation and Ventures Lead, talks to AL TV about the programme’s output. (Key themes: startups, Big Four, incubation projects, legal tech research projects. Length: 18 mins.)

AL TV spoke to legal tech and contracts expert, Catherine Bamford, of BamLegal, about the challenges that persist in the contracting process; what tech approaches can make things better; and what advice she would give to anyone seeking to tackle these challenges. (Key Themes: Contracts, Contract Negotiation, CLM. Length: 13 mins approx.)

DocuSign Invests in BlackBoiler – News Analysis. Leading esignature company, DocuSign, which previously invested in Seal Software and then bought the doc review business outright, has now joined a $3.2m investment round into NLP-driven legal tech company, BlackBoiler. News interview with CEO of BlackBoiler, Dan Broderick. (Key themes: agreement cloud, investment, NLP, contract review. Length: 9 mins.)

Interview with Jana Blount, Change Maker at DLA Piper. Her role connects to multiple change projects ranging from ‘Kill Bill‘, a group set up to look at how to move away from the billable hour, to growing DLA’s Aldersgate Group – a new division of the business that covers at present litigation funding, but soon could have other capabilities such as consulting and an AI-driven risk platform. (Key themes: billable hour, consulting, driving change, DLA Piper, AI tools. Length: 15 mins).

Interview with Joe Borstein, CEO and Co-Founder of LexFusion the legal tech consortium. (Key themes: marketing, platforms, co-operation, consortium. Length: 19 mins.)
Sept 2020

Interview with Richard Mabey, CEO of Juro, about why GCs feel buried in low-value work. (Key themes: GC, inhouse, legal data, process work, productising legal workflows. Length: 21 mins)

Simon Black, former Allen & Overy partner, on becoming the co-founder and CCO of contract review and negotiation platform, Lexical Labs. (Key themes: careers, legal tech after 50, post-law firm careers. Inc. Product Walk Through of Lexical Labs – see also Walk Through page. 11 + 10 mins approx.)

Emily Foges, Lead Partner, Deloitte LMS Interview on the group’s growth plans. (Key Themes: Big Four, market trends, Legal Managed Services, new business models. Length: 21 mins)

Agiloft’s Expansion Plan – News Analysis with CEO, Eric Laughlin. (Key themes: CLM, NLP + ML systems, growth strategy. Length: 19 mins.)

Athennian Bags $8m Funding, Plans Rapid Growth – News analysis interview with CEO, Adrian Camara. Includes a short walk through. (Key themes: funding, legal entity management. Length: 19 mins.)

Beginner’s Guide To UI + UX with Nick Watson of Ruby Datum – (Key themes: UI and UX, how to apply this to legal tech. Length: 15 mins.)

SALI: Building Common Standards For Legal Services – interview with Kelly Harbour. (Key themes: standards, fixed fees, data analysis, taxonomies, KM. Length: 16 mins.)
Aug 2020

Litera’s Avaneesh Marwaha on Consolidation, Their Next Acquisition + Hg (Themes: merger, consolidation, private equity in legal tech, platforms. Length: 23 mins.)

iManage/Closing Folders Deal – ‘Our Greatest Competitor is the Status Quo’ – News analysis interview with Gordon Cassie. (Themes: merger, deal platforms, growth, market trends. Length: 15 mins.)

‘Why Is A DMS Like A Record Shop?’ – iManage RAVN GM, Nick Thomson – interview looking at NLP and KM. (Themes: NLP, ML, KM, legal data, taxonomies, search. Length: 9 mins.)

Brian Kuhn, Elevate on ‘AI, Process + Standardisation’ (Themes: process-focused legal services, AI, machine learning, cost analysis, legal fee benchmarking, legal ops, inhouse legal, corporate counsel. Length: 25 mins.)

Ayfie Lists Shares in Rare Legal Tech Move. (Themes: doc review companies, public listing, funding, business strategy. Length: 7 mins.)

‘Are US Law Firms Really Innovating?’ interview with Ryan McClead of Sente Advisors. (Themes: Innovation, US law firms, change, economics of legal tech. Length: 36 mins.)