Allen & Overy has announced the new cohort members to enter Fuse, their collaborative tech innovation space.
Starting in May 2019, the four new companies to join Fuse cohort 3 are:
APIAX – a startup which builds tools aiming to create machine-readable rules, thus enabling customers to access complex financial regulations on a digital basis.
DEFINE – a drafting tool which helps users to access defined terms and references in documents more easily, with the intention of speeding up the drafting process.
HIGHQ – a platform which seeks to provide social collaboration, secure file sharing and project management with the aim of improving efficiency and productivity. (Ed. and of course…..you all know HighQ….!)
SCISSERO – a legal AI platform that reads, drafts and marks up legal agreements on an automated basis.
Artificial Lawyer just got back to HQ and managed to grab a quick call with Shruti Ajitsaria – Head of Fuse.
Ajitsaria, said: ‘We are retaining some of the ones we are working with already. The new ones were chosen based on partner feedback. These four (above) all had a great level of partner support.’
Legatics, Avvoka, Nivaura and Regnosys will all continue to work from Fuse. The others will move on to newer pastures, but will keep in close contact with Allen & Overy.
When asked: why HighQ, given that it’s a very well known company that the firm already uses? Ajitsaria replied that they decided that there was a lot more capabilities to HighQ than they were currently using and having the company in Fuse would help the partners to learn more about what else it could do for them.
Ajitsaria also had high praise for legal AI company Scissero, which ‘did a fantastic demo’.
She concluded that now into their third cohort of member companies in Fuse, there was a feeling in the firm that the project was having a very positive impact and steadily helping the lawyers to change the way they worked.