Special Announcement: The Legal Innovators California conference will now take place on November 19, 2020.
Given the current situation we have chosen to move this landmark event in the US, created by Artificial Lawyer and organised by Cosmonauts, to the end of the year. In this case: November 19.
Everything is in place: we have fantastic panelists, impressive keynote speakers, and inspiring presentations, all planned out. We have a great venue in the heart of San Francisco, California. We have engaging subjects to discuss, and fantastic sponsors supporting the event.
All of that is still in store. It will now take place on Thursday, November 19, later this year, instead of the planned June date.
We are also contacting speakers and sponsors individually to update everybody in detail, but please feel free to contact us with any questions in the meantime:
For Speakers – viktoria@cosmonauts.biz
For Sponsors – mert@cosmonauts.biz
Ticket holders are invited to use their tickets for the November date. If that date is no longer possible for you, we’ll be happy to find an alternative arrangement that meets your needs.
PLUS – Tomorrow, Artificial Lawyer will be making another big announcement, but in this case it will be a great new event that will take place in the coming weeks, in addition to what is already planned. Look out for that news tomorrow!
In the meantime, Artificial Lawyer and the team at Cosmonauts wish you all the best and look forward to seeing you in San Francisco in November, and also in the UK in October for the two-day Legal Innovators London conference that will be on 7 + 8 October, 2020.