Just when you thought there could be no more new legal research platforms, here comes EisphorIA, which is something of a multi-purpose, NLP-driven system that covers competition law, but also provides some KM capabilities as its search function can delve into a firm’s DMS.
Brussels-based Vsevolod Salnikov, Co-Founder & CTO/CSO, provides the AL TV Product Walk Through. The main demo is the first seven minutes, followed by some Q&A about this new offering.
Press play to watch inside the page.
This is how the company describes itself: ‘EisphorIA is an end-to-end research platform which can be applied to any textual data sets whether these are publicly available (case law, competition law decisions) or confidential (knowledge, client files – [i.e. inside the firm].)
‘In the case of public data, we have recently deployed the solution to all competition law decisions made publicly available by the different European and national authorities (European Commission, European Court of Justice, UK CMA, FR, DE, and NL).
‘Our goal is to centralise the different sources of competition law information and to facilitate the retrieval of the critical information. From one single web-based interface, users can simultaneously investigate multiple sources (vs. searching across multiple web sites).’
‘Additionally, the platform has some built-in organisation and collaboration capabilities to organise the research work and to invite colleagues to collaborate with notably annotations, flags, highlights and shared comments.’
From this site’s point of view, it looks like they’ve started by applying NLP search to competition law data and then looked at what else they can achieve, hence the venture into KM-related DMS search also.
It’s notable in several ways: first, that it’s a startup addressing legal research / case law, despite so many giants already operating across this segment (see the AL TV interview after the demo for more on that); and second, that they have thought laterally about how they can apply their core technology to other areas that connect to case law research.
It’s also based in Belgium, which is growing as a legal tech centre. Named clients include: Kramer Levin, Luther, Bird & Bird, and Loyens & Loeff.
Overall, an interesting product that will certainly appeal to anyone in the competition law area, and it may have some use to KM experts as well.