DocJuris is a contract negotiation platform that has just released a new one click amendment capability. In this AL TV Product Walk Through, CEO, Henal Patel, gives us an overview of the platform and in particular shows how it can automatically draft amendments.
As Patel explains in the video, this is very much needed as lawyers can spend 45 minutes drafting a simple amendment. Press play to watch inside the page. There’s a short intro, the main demo, and then some Q&A with Artificial Lawyer.
Also, here’s a brief overview from DocJuris of what it can do:
- ‘Auto-generate an amendment to a previously signed contract – E.g. Extending the term? Or, adding a data protection addendum? Simply upload the execution copy of the previous agreement and mark it up in DocJuris in track changes. Next, export the amendment, and voila.
- Generate a targeted amendment to a standardised contract to be signed – Working on an industry generated template with no redlines allowed? Customers demanding an exception table instead of markups? DocJuris Amendments has you covered. Simply upload the contract that needs analysis and mark it up in DocJuris, click ‘export’ and you’re done.
- Enable self-service on rush contracts through a prevailing terms exhibit and amendment. Append a ‘prevailing terms’ exhibit for the sales or procurement team and one-click send exceptions to the contract in a formatted amendment over to the other side.’
And here’s a step-by-step guide to how it works:

More information about the amendment capability can be found here, and on a related note, DocJuris offers a complimentary contract amendment template.
[ Artificial Lawyer is proud to bring you this sponsored AL TV Product Walk Through by DocJuris. ]