Legal Innovators California, which takes place in San Francisco on June 9, naturally has plenty of great speakers from law firms and inhouse teams, but also has many excellent speakers from innovative companies.
Our headline sponsor is the pioneering law company, Elevate, with Dr Daniel Katz, VP, Data Science & Innovation Manager, as a keynote speaker. Elevate has plenty to contribute to any discussion on legal innovation given that it offers not just more efficient ways of handling legal tasks, but has also built its own ELM platform and much more.
Then we have no-code automation companies such as Neota, Autologyx, CheckBox, and LawDroid – all of which are part of a movement across the legal sector to make the building of automated workflows easy and intuitive for both law firms and inhouse teams.
Naturally, CLM companies – which are on a growth surge at the moment – are also here, with ContractPodAi, Evisort, LinkSquares, Malbek, and Summize, as well as SpotDraft.
Also connected to the world of contracts we have doc analysis company eBrevia, AI-driven contract review and negotiation business, LexCheck, plus contract reviewer TermScout, and drafting system Definely.
And then we have a wide range of companies helping with a variety of needs, from litigation analytics and arbitration data pioneers Gavelytics and Jus Mundi, to lawyer time automation pioneer Time by Ping, and LegalMation the litigation AI company.
Plus we have legal information giant Wolters Kluwer, global legal solutions business Epiq, and the Flatiron Law Group, the legal services organisation, and DISCO, the fast-growing eDiscovery company.
And finally, we have a startup flying the flag for legal standards, a key theme that is really growing now, in the shape of Bonterms.
All of these companies will be at the event for you to hear from, meet, and spend some time with so you can learn more about what they can do for you.
There will also be more speakers to announce in the weeks ahead for what is shaping up to be an excellent niche-scale event with some of the most innovative companies and lawyers attending. See you all there on June 9 in San Francisco!
Richard Tromans, Founder of Artificial Lawyer will be chairing. Cosmonauts will be organising and running the event on the day in California.
Ticket information can be found here.