Midpage: The New GenAI Legal Research Startup

In this week’s Product Walk Through, we take a tour of Midpage, a genAI-powered legal research tool that helps litigators perform in-depth case law research and share their findings quickly. James Curbow, head of Legal Engineering & Product Strategy at Midpage, shows us how it all works.

During this product walk through, Curbow covers:

  • How to research several sub-issues at once with Midpage’s new Grid view.
  • How to read a case with AI-generated comments that adapt to your research issues.
  • How to organize key cases and excerpts into an issue-specific Notebook.

Press play to watch the walk through, which covers the first 10 minutes, followed by some Q&A.

AL TV Productions, 2024.

Artificial Lawyer also spoke to Founder and CEO, Otto Zastrow, who noted that when it came to legal opinions in the US – which are largely free to obtain – the gap between startups like Midpage and the giant legal data companies would steadily shrink. After that it all becomes about the application of genAI, workflows and user experience – areas in which he believes Midpage can excel.

He also highlighted that the early focus by legal tech companies on ‘chunking’, i.e. breaking down documents into smaller pieces to improve outcomes when using genAI, was becoming less necessary as LLMs improved.

Check out the video and see what you think.