The Global Legal Hackathon held its finals gala in New York this weekend at the offices of White & Case and the winners of the three main categories have now been announced. They are:
Access to Justice – Uthority, Germany
Business of Law – Legal Shapers – Romania
GROWL (Women Leaders Initiative) – Intelilex – Poland
Some more about each winner:
Uthority – Winning Solution: 82% of people experience difficulties to comprehend legal language in the letters they receive from the authorities. Solution: An app allowing you to take a picture of the letter with OCR functionality, giving a quick summary of the most relevant information in ‘normal’ language and suggesting next steps. Further functionality: contact information of the authorities and governmental consulting bodies, list of legal service providers, a range of templates relevant to the identified legal topic.
Legal Shapers – Winning Solution: Lawrelai is designed by Legal Shapers to be your first trusted legal travel advisor, easily accessible via Facebook’s Messenger App. Lawrelai’s uniqueness consists of its global coverage and of its free component of reliable and up-to-date legal information to most common occurrences while travelling abroad. In case of immediate need during your travel, Lawrelai offers personalized legal assistance based on a fee, through its verified local legal professionals.
InteliLex – Warsaw, Poland – Winning Solution: InteliLex helps lawyers find the content they already created any time in the past within seconds by directly integrating with Microsoft Word and by using Machine Learning algorithms. InteliLex suggests relevant parts of text while a document, such as a contract, is being written.
Congratulations to all three winning teams. Interesting to see that all are from Central and Eastern Europe. While Germany is already well-known for producing several great legal tech companies, Eastern Europe has been less in the headlines, so this is a really positive development that shows yet again that….(legal) technology knows no borders.
Artificial Lawyer has to applaud the Uthority A2J application especially, the idea of using tech to help people understand legal letters is a very practical means of improving the justice system. How can the majority of people even engage with the legal world when they don’t even understand the beginnings of the process? So, kudos to the team in Germany. Is it a perfect, finished product? Probably not. But, it’s a positive move and that’s what the GLH is all about, i.e. encouraging people to design products.
Legal Shapers is also at the very practical end of the spectrum, and it’s not hard to see some of the big insurance companies finding this legal info application of use to provide to policy holders.
And finally, InteliLex as part of the GROWL initiative. It’s probably fair to say, this is exploring territory others have been over, but still, another practical application of technology that can be of use for lawyers in day to day work.
Overall then, the GLH 2019 is very much grounded in reality, leveraging tech to find useful solutions to problems and efficiency challenges within the legal market.
Once again David Fisher, CEO of Integra Ledger, and team, especially Pierson Grider, have pulled off a global success. This in part was also made possible by the many sponsors and partners, such as Wolters Kluwer and others. Congratulations to them all for helping thousands of people around the world to engage with and explore the application of legal technology to design useful products. Looking forward to GLH 2020 already…!
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