Everything You Need To Know About Building Legal Apps Using No-Code Platforms
By Neota Logic
What Is A No-Code Platform?
No-code platforms are the future and well on their way to becoming the industry standard for the development of applications in the legal sector. They enable anyone to be able to build applications without any programming knowledge.
Platforms, such as Neota, use visual drag-and-drop features to enable professionals to build applications that automate any aspect of professional services that were previously manual and inefficient.
What Are The Benefits?
No-code platforms can speed up the development process, make applications easier to maintain once deployed, bring lawyers closer to the tools they use making them more likely to be better thought through, and all underpinned with a reduction in costs from the need to have specific software development skills.
No longer do you have to spend days briefing a developer. Organisations can build applications themselves, as long as they have a clear objective and the process mapped out.
What Does The App-Building Process Look Like?
It’s important not just to think about the shiny technology fixing the problem but the process of getting there. Organisations should take the following steps in their app-building journey:
- Gather requirements – establish objectives from all stakeholders involved.
- Process mapping – it’s important to get this right or the application won’t work the way you need it to.
- Wireframing – clarify what you want the app to look like and the user experience to be.
Key Considerations Before You Get Started:
- Start small – don’t look into building an app based on five pages of decision trees. Build something small to begin with.
- Work with subject matter experts – getting their regular input and requirements along the journey is key so you end up with a tool that fulfils their objectives.
- Think about the end-user – think about who the application is intended for and the experience they would want when using the app.
- Lean on tech providers – they’ve been advising their customers for years so bring them into the process and ask their advice.
For more information on no-code platforms Neota’s client, KPMG, takes you through a journey of building their applications using a no-code platform and the lessons learned along the way in this video (approx 6 mins).
[ Artificial Lawyer is proud to bring you this sponsored article by Neota Logic. ]