On 17th November the Nordic Legal Tech Day conference will be taking place in Helsinki, Finland – and Artificial Lawyer will be there.
What is the event all about? As the name suggests it’s about legal tech and innovation, but with a Nordic flavour and with plenty of hygge. Speakers are from around the world, with naturally many from the region, from law firms, tech companies and ALSPs (see below).
Here is what the conference organisers say: ‘Nordic Legal Tech Day in Helsinki is about the accelerating development of legal tech tools, which is enabling new services and new ways of working in the legal profession.
‘It is a forum for the leaders of the legal industry – corporate legal teams, legal service providers and legal tech companies to learn, share, network, get inspired and get updated on the development of legal tech, tools and practices.
‘The interactive agenda features experienced international and Nordic speakers – and you will get insights, practical on the ground knowledge and future trends and developments.’
I’ll be giving a keynote on what’s happening in the legal tech and innovation world, focused on key trends and emerging themes, as well as the technology that seems to be pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.
Experts across the sector from Allen & Overy, to EY, to top regional firms such as Castrén & Snellman to Jorma Vartia at Lassia, to companies such as Nokia and the Karnov Group, plus Jeroen Plink and Nicola Shaver, will also be exploring everything from very practical topics in the shape of key tips for tech implementation, to really big issues such as the future direction of the legal profession and how tech is changing things, to work/life balance, and more!

What more could you want? A trip to Helsinki, loads of legal tech, a warm Nordic welcome, and the chance to see and hear how a key European market is approaching the same issues as you. Sounds good? Then check it out here
Hope to see you there!
Richard Tromans, Founder, Artificial Lawyer
The conference takes places on Thursday 17 November, 2022 at Musiikkitalo – Helsinki Music Centreat Mannerheimintie 13a, 00100 Helsinki, Finland.