Global legal services business, Ashurst, will hold its first ever legal tech Hackathon on 10th/11th May at its Frankfurt office. As part of this event teams involved will be able to work with Germany-based legal tech company BRYTER, which is a no-code expert system/workflow automation platform.
The law firm said that the Ashurst Legal Hackathon’s aim is to develop ‘innovative, practicable and marketable digital products over a 36-hour period in a friendly, but competitive spirit’.
There will be five teams consisting of law and IT students, mentored by an Ashurst fee earner and a member of Ashurst Advance, the firm’s NewLaw legal operations group.
The teams will each will be assigned a use-case which has been selected from ideas generated by Ashurst based on listening to its clients (e.g. building a tool to handle Subject Access Requests (Article 15 GDPR) in organisations) and the participants will be invited to design, develop and present a prototype digital product for the assigned use-case, the firm explained.
And, as mentioned, they will all get to use BRYTER to see what they can create.
The firm said their hope is by using BRYTER that ‘without any coding experience, users can simply draw what is on their minds and the technology turns it into code. Thus, complex decision trees can be simply visualised and enriched with expert knowledge by drag and drop’.
Prizes will be awarded at the Ashurst Legal Hackathon for the best development and implementation of the assigned use-case into a digital product ‘that works’.
‘Ideally, the result should be a scalable digital product in a prototype version which has the potential to be further developed by Ashurst Advance for our clients,’ they concluded.
To learn more about the Ashurst Legal Hackathon event and how to apply for participation, please click here.
Sounds like a great project! And also a good move for BRYTER as it continues to grow within what is a steadily widening market for expert systems and workflow automation tools.
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